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“Luna de Solitario”, its theme revolves around the human, the everyday, the metaphysical, the spiritual, the cosmic, the transcendent. This book won the I Biennial of Young Ecuadorian Poetry “Jorge Carrera Andrade”. The jury opined: «A poetry of profound concepts, with well-drawn symbolic characters, of deep meanings and signifiers, with a long-term structure, in which the literary discourse retains its high level, does not faint and is handled coherently from the beginning. finally." In the poems of this first book, the lyrical speaker plays different roles: he has been a prostitute, a lover, a madman, a drug addict, a suicide, and a survivor of a nuclear catastrophe.


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The time out

The story continues

of the young shaman's apprentice

on his journey through the

ancient worlds

The instinct of light

A magical adventure in the Ecuadorian Andes mountain range.

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